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Apprendre à ne pas utiliser l’IA – par Arthur Dénouveaux et Maxence Jeunesse
- Covéa
- Innovation
«Déléguer systématiquement à l’intelligence artificielle certaines tâches revient à inhiber, voire à détruire, le potentiel de progrès»
Covéa and its brands committed to road safety
- Covéa
- Prevention
With more than 3,000 people killed on the roads in 2023, road safety remains an essential issue for insurers, the people they protect and...
Covéa Protection Juridique's legal experts, untangling your worries
- Covéa Protection Juridique
- Prevention
Covéa Protection Juridique's legal experts assist the private and professional policyholders of Covéa brands faced with legal problems...
2023 Integrated Report: Covéa reasserts its leading position and its commitment to a sustainable future
- Covéa
- Governance
Despite the successive economic, climate-related and geopolitical crises of 2023, Covéa has confirmed its position as the French market
Michael Walker has been appointed Group Chief Financial Officer of Covéa
- Covéa
- Governance
Michael Walker has been appointed Group Chief Financial Officer, effective July 1, 2024, and joins the Group Management Committee.
Sustainable vehicle repairs: an environmental, social and societal issue
- Covéa
- Innovation
As a market leader in motor insurance, the Covéa Group is committed to raising awareness among all its stakeholders about sustainable...
Arthur Dénouveaux (Covéa) : « L'IA générative ne remplacera pas le travail humain »
- Covéa
- Innovation
Arthur Dénouveaux, directeur pilotage de la transformation au sein de la direction générale Assurances France de Covéa et directeur du...
Auto : un Vinted des pièces détachées va-t-il voir le jour ?
- Covéa
- Innovation
Et si un Vinted des portières, rétroviseurs, ou pare-brise voyait le jour pour contrer la hausse des prix des pièces détachées neuves ? C...
Covéa publishes its white paper on sustainable vehicle repair
- Covéa
- Prevention
Covéa presents proposals for promoting sustainable vehicle repair and ensuring the major ecological and financial benefits it offers are
Mutualisons l'assurance pour offrir aux Européens une protection à la hauteur des risques actuels !
- Covéa
- Compensation
Alors que nous assistons à une multiplication des risques, l’assurance est restée un produit national. En harmonisant les dispositifs de...