The Covéa Foundation's sponsorship initiatives

The Covéa Foundation's efforts are centred around three main areas: women’s rights, inclusion and using knowledge to promote inclusion.

Women's rights

As women’s rights within society are still not sufficiently respected, the Covéa Foundation supports non-profits working to promote gender equality and combat all forms of violence and discrimination against women.

The Fondation des femmes is a leading foundation in France for women’s rights and combating violence against women. It uses the donations it receives to provide financial and legal assistance and equipment to support charities making a significant impact across France.

In 2020, during the unprecedented health crisis, there was an explosion in domestic violence. During the early days of lockdown, the Covéa Group made a donation to the Fondation des Femmes to help female victims of violence.

The Covéa Foundation is continuing with this support initiated in 2020 by means of three programmes:

  • The “Sisterhood” programme, helping the most vulnerable women by providing equipment for charities helping on the ground, collecting essential items and offering counselling services seven days a week.
  • The “Women who dare” programme, which aims to raise awareness among the general public about quality, stereotypes and sexism. It includes initiatives such as podcasts, an observatory, a speech contest, public information campaigns on the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8 March and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November.
  • The “Emergency shelter” programme, which offers emergency safe housing for women who are victims of violence, allowing specialist charities to reserve high quality, safe hotel rooms all over France via an online booking platform.


Anne-Cécile Mailfert - Chair of the Fondation des Femmes:

“The support and trust of the Covéa Foundation has enabled our foundation to develop and further its cause. The Fondation des Femmes simply would not be what it is today without the Covéa Foundation by our side!”

En 2023, la Fondation Covéa est devenue partenaire pour deux ans de l’association Un abri qui sauve des vies.

Cette jeune association est spécialisée dans l'hébergement d’urgence citoyen en France métropolitaine des personnes victimes de violences conjugales et intrafamiliales. Elle met ces personnes en relation avec des particuliers ou des professionnels qui peuvent mettre temporairement à leur disposition un logement ou une partie de leur logement.

Le soutien de la Fondation Covéa permettra à Un abri qui sauve des vies d’ouvrir de nouvelles antennes régionales pour étendre son champ d’action.

L’association En avant toutes œuvre pour promouvoir l’égalité des genres et prévenir les violences de genre, notamment auprès des jeunes. Elle mène différents types d’actions :

  • L’accompagnement des jeunes victimes de violence conjugale ou intra-familiale via un tchat qui leur permet de poser toutes leurs questions sur le couple, la famille, ou encore la sexualité ;
  • Une permanence d’accueil à Paris pour accueillir les personnes victimes de violence ;
  • Des actions de sensibilisation, de formation.

Le financement de la Fondation Covéa permettra l’extension du tchat pour le rendre disponible 24h/24 ainsi que le développement d’un tchat spécialement adapté pour les mineurs (10-14 ans).

L'association Une voix pour elles organise en région PACA des déménagements d'urgence pour les femmes victimes de violences conjugales et leurs enfants.

Leur dispositif comprend trois volets :

  • L’aide logistique via les déménagements et l’entreposage gratuit et sécurisé des affaires personnelles en attente d’un relogement (les affaires sont stockées en moyenne 9 mois).
  • L’aide matérielle via la distribution de kits personnalisés selon les besoins (produits d'hygiène, puériculture, vêtement, aide alimentaire…) pour les femmes et enfants hébergés.
  • L’aide éventuelle à l’équipement du nouveau logement en distribuant du mobilier ou de l'électroménager. 

Le soutien de la Fondation Covéa aidera à la mise en place de 2 nouvelles antennes à Marseille.

Cette association accompagne les femmes victimes de mutilations sexuelles, de mariage forcé et de violences sexuelles. 

L’excision touche 125 000 femmes en France. Les Orchidées Rouges ont ouvert différents centres psycho-sociaux pour accompagner ces femmes dans leur reconstruction et se donnent aussi pour mission de former et d’outiller les professionnels de santé, de l’éducation nationale et de la justice sur les questions des mutilations sexuelles féminines.

Le soutien de la Fondation Covéa permettra d’augmenter le nombre de femmes accueillies au sein des centres psycho-sociaux.

Solenciel est une association qui permet aux personnes abîmées par la prostitution, de se reconstruire grâce à un travail digne, rémunéré et pérenne.

Elle propose à des femmes qui veulent sortir de la prostitution d’être salariées en tant qu’agent d’entretien. Elle les forment également à la langue française 6h/semaine et les accompagne dans leurs différentes démarches (administratives, de santé, de garde d’enfants, d’insertion professionnelle).

Le soutien de la Fondation permettra à Solenciel de consolider l’ouverture de nouvelles antennes à Nantes et Nanterre.

Promofemmes est une association bordelaise qui accueille et accompagne des femmes provenant de pays et de cultures différentes, sans distinction d’origines sociale, politique, culturelle et confessionnelle.

Elle leur transmet l’ensemble des ressources nécessaires pour permettre une meilleure insertion sociale, citoyenne, culturelle et professionnelle dans la société française, notamment par une écoute et un soutien favorisé par la médiation-traduction.

L’association propose différentes activités : cours de français, ateliers d’expression artistique, sorties culturelles, ateliers autour de la santé, et groupes de parole sur la parentalité.

L’association Pierre Claver aide à l’insertion des réfugiés tutélaires en proposant un apprentissage de la langue française mais aussi de la culture et de l’histoire de France.

Elle propose aussi des activités sportives collectives et un accompagnement personnalisé avec un tuteur pour chaque bénéficiaire pour l’aider à construire son projet de formation ou professionnel en France.

Le soutien de la Fondation Covéa est plus particulièrement tourné vers les femmes réfugiées accompagnées par l’association.

L’association Marraine & Vous soutient les femmes enceintes et les mères de jeunes enfants en situation d’isolement.

Elle permet à ces mamans solos de rompre leur solitude grâce à une famille marraine avec qui elles pourront partager, dans la durée, des moments simples et enrichissants qui les aideront à (re)prendre confiance, à découvrir leurs compétences… et leur permettront ainsi de vivre leur vie de mère plus sereinement.

En 2024, l’association permet à 85 mamans et 120 enfants d’être accompagnés.

Non-profit Capital Filles promotes equal opportunities for women by helping young women from deprived and rural areas to build up their self-confidence, help them to choose the right training and career pathway, learn about future job opportunities particularly in the still traditionally male-dominated fields of science, technology, digital and industry.

It works with partner companies, which offer their female employees as mentors for these young women.

Capital Filles and Covéa already have a long shared history. The first female Covéa Group employees volunteered in 2018 as mentors to provide individual support for young high school students, helping them to choose their future profession and passing on key information about equal opportunity and diversity in the workplace.

The Covéa Foundation is continuing this longstanding partnership. During the 2022-23 academic year, 112 female mentors from Covéa gave advice and support to young women.


Elizabeth Tchoungui - Chair of Capital Filles:

“We are very proud of our partnership with Covéa since 2018. In the space of five years, we have seen a fourfold increase in the number of volunteers, with around 100 female Covéa employees mentoring school leavers and helping them to work out their plans for the future. A huge thanks to the Covéa Foundation for its valuable support and the mentors who have helped us, with more and more joining every year.”

Force Femmes is a charity that provides free support for unemployed women aged over 45 with getting back into work or setting up their own business, by means of group workshops or individual assistance.

Force Femmes covers 10 cities in France and since 2021 has also been developing a digital support platform to offer its services to women across the country.

Following on from the longstanding relationship between MAAF and Force Femmes, the Covéa Foundation now manages the partnership, helping to fund a dedicated forum for women looking to set up a business.

Le réseau Les Premières accompagne des femmes engagées dans la création et/ou le développement d'entreprises innovantes à potentiel d'emploi. 25% d’entre elles résident dans des quartiers prioritaires.

Depuis 20 ans, Les Premières s’engagent pour cultiver la mixité entrepreneuriale, créatrice de croissance économique, et favoriser l’autonomie économique des femmes, minoritaires à la tête des entreprises françaises.

La Fondation Covéa soutient plus particulièrement :

  • L’organisation d’un événement national, le MakeHerDay, premier événement dédié à l'entrepreneuriat féminin en France, qui propose des interventions de personnalités inspirantes, des témoignages de rôle-modèles, des ateliers autour du financement, des rencontres en one-to-one avec des professionnels ;
  • Un programme national de formation et de coaching « Première de Cordée » qui suit 140 femmes en 2024.

Inclusion for all


Because inclusion for all is a key factor in ensuring progress, the Covéa Foundation has set itself two priorities: inclusion of people with disabilities, and inclusion of people who are victims of social discrimination or in vulnerable situations.

Inclusion of people with disabilities

The Covéa Foundation is the main sponsor of Fédération Française Handisport, the French disabled sports federation. It supports its youth development programme, providing opportunities for young people to access sport, regardless of their disability or where they live, and to identify future elite disabled athletes.

The programme helps young people gain confidence and improve their self-esteem, thereby helping them to integrate better into society and the world of work.

Through this partnership, the Covéa Foundation also takes steps to raise awareness about disability among the Group’s employees and supports the integration of talented people with disabilities at Covéa.


Guislaine Westelynck - Chair of Fédération Française Handisport:

“We are committed with the same determination and in our day-to-day actions to ensuring the inclusion of people with disabilities in sports and society as a whole. We are grateful to the Covéa Foundation, the Covéa Group’s brands and all its employees who provide their support on the ground to share their passion for sport and bring it to life for young people, our talents of the future. These collaborations allow for mutual growth.”

Tennis Club Chauray is a tennis club that offers a wheelchair tennis section and organises a national annual wheelchair tennis tournament.

The Covéa Foundation helps fund the tournament, which also raises public awareness about disabilities through “discovery” workshops and school visits.

The French National Parks Network and the French Office for Biodiversity are working in concert to restore biodiversity, nature and the country’s landscapes.

Historically led by GMF, the partnership – now overseen by the Covéa Foundation – funds initiatives to promote access to nature and understanding about nature among all members of the public, in particular people with physical, hearing, visual and learning disabilities, as well as making nature more socially accessible to the under 26s by means of community volunteering projects.

Comme les Autres is a charity that offers personalised post-rehabilitation support primarily for adults with spinal cord injuries who are autonomous enough to take part in an intensive programme of exciting group activities.

The charity focuses on thrill-inducing sporting activities with a mixture of disabled and non-disabled participants.

Comme les Autres has seven regional branches in France and has supported more than 1,000 people since 2011.

The Covéa Foundation has provided support in particular to create and secure the future of a branch in the Hauts-de-France region, helping 85 people over a period of three years.

Unapei is France’s leading federation of non-profits representing and defending the interests of people with learning disabilities and their families.

The Covéa Foundation supports the Unapei programme, which aims to showcase and promote the professional commitment of people with learning and cognitive disabilities, as well as their carers, whether in the business world or in the medico-social world.

L’association H’up Entrepreneurs aide à maintenir l’activité des entrepreneurs quand un handicap survient. Elle accompagne également les personnes en situation de handicap désireuse de créer leur entreprise et développe une communauté d’entrepreneurs en situation de handicap.

La Fondation Covéa soutient différents dispositifs : la découverte de l’entreprenariat, le parrainage de compétence et la H’up Académie qui propose un programme d’accélération individuel et collectif.

Fratries is a charity that helps young people with learning difficulties or autism to find their place within society through shared living with non-disabled young people.

The Covéa Foundation’s support allowed for a new unit to be opened in Rennes in 2023.

My Human Kit (MHK) is a charity that invents, manufactures and shares open source prototypes of technical assistance equipment for people with disabilities.

It manages a network of fab labs that bring together a wide range of people – such as people with disabilities, students, senior citizens, staff, jobseekers – to work on projects to improve the day-to-day lives of people with disabilities in terms of mobility, communication, comfort and wellbeing.

The Covéa Foundation supports the charity’s efforts and takes part in the Fabrikarium workshops organised by MHK, comprising events such as a hackathon to bring together different skills to respond to the needs of these groups of people.


Jonathan Ménir - Co-Chair of My Human Kit:

“We are delighted that the Group and the Covéa Foundation and their employees have made a concrete commitment to helping us to enable everyone with disabilities to access spaces to manufacture technical assistance devices free of charge and share them for the common good and in the public’s general interest, which is our main goal.”

La Bourguette is a charity in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region that allows 200 people with autism or children with multiple disabilities to attend one of its 10 centres and live “their life” with respect and dignity, whatever their age.

With the Covéa Foundation’s support, a third space project is underway to create social ties between local residents and people with disabilities.

Atypie-Friendly is a national programme to help get neurodivergent school leavers into university or into work.

The charity aims to smooth the transition between school and higher education, helping each student find their way by providing personalised support.

It also creates educational resources to train and raise awareness among teaching staff and non-disabled students.

Atypie-Friendly has formed a partnership with 30 universities in France, helping to ensure that all students are well integrated and have the best chances of success.

Founded in 1972, the French Federation of Guide Dog Associations (FFAC) comprises 10 regional associations, 16 education centres, two national associations and a puppy breeding network.

Its work ranges from promoting guide dogs to potential beneficiaries and the general public, to getting guide dogs recognised by public authorities as a means of travel, as well as running and developing guide dog schools, professional training for guide dog educators and selecting puppy breeders.

Equal opportunities

Im'pactesNew tab is a charity that supports schooling for children in care and young adults leaving care. It covers three age groups: 5-12 year olds, 13-18 year olds and 18-25 year olds.

The charity is also aiming to become a national resource centre for improving the prevention, detection and care of children who are victims of violence.

Im’pactes has set up an innovative three-year programme in partnership with 10 voluntary organisations in the Ile-de-France region to enable 300 children and young adults to benefit from support in relation to schooling, the arts, culture and work experience.

The Covéa Foundation’s support for the charity helps to fund activities offered by partners, scholarships and driving lesson bursaries, as well as paying teachers.

Energie JeunesNew tab is a charity that aims to stop primary and middle-school children dropping out of school. It has launched an innovative educational programme to develop social and behavioural skills such as concentration, self-discipline, perseverance and self-confidence. Trained volunteers run classes three times a year, helping more than 120,000 children.

The Covéa Foundation has chosen to provide financial support for Energie Jeunes’ efforts to help primary school children, in particular with a new scheme launched by the charity targeting children from the age of 9-10. In addition to lending financial support, Covéa invites its employees to volunteer for the charity.

Employee volunteers are asked to take part in two charity initiatives. The first, “Enjoy learning at school”, consists of talking to schoolchildren to teach them new methods and get them engaged. The second, “100% Parents”, provides telephone support for parents of children taking part in the programme.

Trouve ta voixNew tab is a charity that helps high school students fulfil their potential, find their place in society and prepare for the world of work by training them in public speaking.

The Covéa Foundation helps fund the training of 2,000 students in, the organisation of an annual speech competition and online videos for a wider audience of high school students.

Chemins d'avenirsNew tab is a charity that helps students at middle school, high school and in higher education living in rural areas with their education, career path and as a member of society, with the aim of overcoming regional divides.

The first organisation to mentor young people in rural areas regardless of their school results and social criteria, Chemins d’Avenirs is part of the “mentor collective” scheme, a network of charities working with children all over France.

In addition to providing financial support for the charity’s activities, the Covéa Foundation asks Group employees to become mentors and devote one or two hours a month to their mentee.

NQTNew tab is a mentoring charity that provides individual support for young people from disadvantaged or deprived areas with finding employment after gaining the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree.

Covéa employees (a total of 122 in 2022) help young graduates to enter the world of work. By sharing their experience, they allow each of these young graduates in a challenging situation to pursue the career they want. The mentee, benefiting from the care and attention of a mentor, gains confidence in their talents and their future. They learn about the codes of the world of work and how to make the most of their skills.


Yazid Chir - President and co-founder of NQT:

“The world of tomorrow will tend more towards sharing, with talented and committed professionals helping young people with talent to become the same. This mutual benefit will shape the future of our societies.”

La Cravate SolidaireNew tab is a charity that combats discrimination in recruitment interviews, particularly in relation to appearance. It helps people looking to find employment by providing them with suitable business attire, which is collected free of charge from companies and individuals, as well as offering coaching and CV-writing and interview preparation workshops.

The Covéa Foundation provides financial support and organises collections of clothing from the group’s offices. For example, in 2022, collections at the Covéa Group allowed for 1,223 kg of clothing to be donated to the charity.

L’association La Cordée a pour mission de favoriser l’accès à la fonction publique des personnes issues de la diversité sociale.

La Fondation Covéa soutient l’accompagnement de 550 jeunes en 2023 et 600 en 2024 via différents dispositifs : le mentorat individualisé, des visites d'administrations, des conférences métiers inspirantes et des ateliers de coaching.

Des Territoires aux Grandes EcolesNew tab (DTGE) is a federation that brings together students, graduates and entrepreneurs wanting to promote equal opportunity and regional development via 44 local non-profit organisations.

The Covéa Foundation funds eight student scholarships on the basis of social criteria and merit, allowing for personalised support for students pursuing paths of excellence.

Human’ITNew tab is engineering school EFREI’s endowment fund. It supports Efrei-Paris’s social and community initiatives by funding charitable projects relating to digital technology, as well as scholarships for students in difficulty.

The Covéa Foundation helps the fund by funding scholarships on the basis of social criteria and merit. Around 28% of students at the engineering school are currently on scholarships and many students are from families with incomes just below the eligibility threshold. The scholarship programme aims to help young people by limiting the risks of failure relating to too many student jobs. It therefore promotes a policy of equal opportunity for students by putting them all in a position to succeed.

Inclusion of people in vulnerable situations

Habitat et HumanismeNew tab is a collective of 59 local charities from all over France working to provide decent and suitable housing for vulnerable people and/or those who have been victims of poor housing. 

In addition to this fundamental aim, it provides support with rebuilding social ties and helping people get back into work and access healthcare services, holidays and culture.

The Covéa Foundation helps Habitat et Humanisme to support single-parent families in which the lone parent is a woman and develop third spaces.

L’association Solidarités nouvelles face au chômage aide des chômeurs longue durée dans leur recherche d’emploi grâce à son réseau d’accompagnateurs bénévoles à travers toute la France.

Le soutien de la Fondation Covéa permet de renforcer l’équipe de psychologues bénévoles.

France TutelleNew tab is a charity that helps family caregivers under a legal protection order as well as families thinking about or wanting to put legal arrangements in place in anticipation of their own vulnerability or that of a loved one.

France currently has around 800,000 vulnerable people under legal protection orders. With the ageing population, vulnerability constitutes a major social issue.

By supporting France Tutelle, the Covéa Foundation intends to provide concrete solutions to the challenge of vulnerability.



The Covéa Foundation strives to support initiatives to disseminate knowledge and culture to people who do not otherwise have access. It is also involved in research programmes to prevent or reduce factors that lead to exclusion.

Collège de France is a public body with two main focuses: fundamental research and higher education. It is involved in a wide variety of disciplines such as science, research into major civilisations, philosophy, literature, social sciences, economics, prehistoric ages, archaeology and history.

Since the 16th century, Collège de France has offered free access to knowledge, providing courses free of charge and open to everyone with no conditions or registration requirements, which can be found on its website.

The Covéa Foundation has chosen to support this major institution, which perfectly symbolises the dissemination of knowledge for all, focusing on an area of research that concerns us all: climate change.

The Covéa Foundation is a leading sponsor of Avenir Commun Durable – Environnement, énergie, société (Together for a sustainable future – Environment, Energy, Society), which aims to provide interdisciplinary scientific responses to climate change issues and disseminate evidence-based data to inform general reflection.


Marc Fontecave - President of the Collège de France Foundation:

“The Covéa Foundation’s sponsorship supports the “Avenir Commun Durable – Environnement, énergie, société” initiative and the associated chair, which are the result of the desire of Collège de France’s professors to take action to address climate change by means of research and passing on knowledge. I welcome this exemplary approach as a mark of confidence in people’s ability to address the challenges of our time.”

Comédie-Française, France’s first theatre, founded in 1680, focuses on welcoming and making itself accessible to all audiences, in particular those who have difficulty accessing culture.

The Covéa Foundation has therefore chosen to support two of its programmes:

  1. Opening up the theatre to people with disabilities, excluded from society or in a socially or economically vulnerable position by offering top-level seats at very reduced rates, guided tours and meetings with actors and staff.
  2. It organises shows, video clips and lectures at prisons and hospitals to reach people who are unable to go to the theatre.


Marie-Claire Janailhac-Fritsch - President of the Comédie-Française Foundation:

“The Comédie-Française Foundation brings together everyone who wants to support development and the ambitions of this unique theatre over the long term. The Foundation’s sponsors and the Comédie-Française share the same desire for excellence, which forms the basis of their shared efforts to support artistic creation, putting on shows for as many people as possible, passing on knowledge and protecting France’s heritage. The Covéa Foundation’s support is essential in ramping up the measures taken to reach a wider audience. Culture is a key factor in social cohesion and we are grateful to the Covéa Foundation for its commitment and the trust it has put in us.”

Moulin du Roc is a national theatre (Scène Nationale) in the Franch city of Niort offering a multidisciplinary programme of events.

It targets all audiences through mediation and artistic and cultural education projects targeted at schools, social facilities and medical facilities, as well as shows suitable for people with disabilities.

Le Palais royal est un ensemble orchestre et chœur qui souhaite rendre unique l’expérience du concert en privilégiant la proximité et le partage avec le public. 

La Fondation Covéa soutient le développement de concerts « coup de foudre » à destination de jeunes issus de territoires culturellement défavorisés ou de zones rurales isolées.

Ces concerts ont lieu dans les mêmes conditions que ceux donnés dans les plus grandes salles. Ils sont ponctués d’explications du chef d’orchestre sur le contexte des œuvres et un temps de questions/réponses est proposé en fin de concert.

The Clinatec endowment fund was created in 2014 to finance the innovative projects of Clinatec, Edmond J. Safra’s research centre. Doctors, technicians, researchers and biologists aim to use technology to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, epilepsy and severe motor disabilities.

The Clinatec research centre was created by Professor Benabid, the inventor of deep brain stimulation, a technology that stops the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. It is unique in bringing together advances in technology, medical research and implementation in a hospital environment.

The Covéa Foundation is a major sponsor of the Clinatec endowment fund. The programmes it funds relate primarily to the effects of infrared light on neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s disease.