Women's rights: Covéa joins the #StOpE initiative to combat everyday sexism in the workplace

The goal of the #StOpE initiative, launched in 2018, is to work together to combat everyday sexism in the workplace. It provides a space for sharing best practices and resources with members, and encourages a combined effort based on concrete measures to turn back the tide on sexism. The initiative has been coordinated since 2021 by AFMD, the French Association of Diversity Managers.

What is everyday sexism?

Everyday sexism in the workplace is defined as any attitudes, comments and behaviours based on sex or gender stereotypes targeted directly or indirectly at a person or group of people due to their sex or gender. While they may appear harmless, these actions have the effect of devaluing the people concerned and making them feel inferior, which can impact their physical or mental health. 

On a day-to-day basis, this can take the form of sexist jokes and comments, remarks about the role of mothers, negative stereotypes, rudeness or disrespect, unwanted compliments or criticisms about someone’s physical appearance and exclusion.

Everyday sexism in figures

For 8 in 10 women

sexist attitudes and decisions are a regular part of their work

50% of female managers

say that they have encountered specific expectations due to their gender

40% of women aged under 35

have heard that becoming a mother would create a “problem” or be a “disadvantage” for their career

3/4 of women and 2/3 of men

have encountered sexist jokes, which are still common in the workplace

Source: #StOpE everyday sexism survey 2023

An initiative in keeping with Covéa’s values

The Covéa Group has been committed for a number of years to promoting equal opportunity and diversity through measures such as the Covéa Foundation’s support of women’s rights charities, Covéa’s ethics charter and gender balance agreements.

Covéa has ramped up its efforts in this area by joining the #StOpE initiative. The charter was signed by Stéphane Duroule (Chief Insurance Officer France), represented by Nathalie Barre-Tricoire at the signing ceremony. The signatory organisations agree to implement at least one action per year out of the eight priorities defined by #StOpE, such as display and apply the zero-tolerance principle, provide targeted training on obligations and best practices related to fighting everyday sexism, and circulate educational material to help employees.

For more information about the initiative, go to https://www.afmd.fr/en/about-stope

AFMD press release (in French):

Covéa ethics charter: